Things to do - A landlord's perspective
- For the early bird, watching the sunrise over the castle and harbour you will see the most stunning sights of colours and light with a backdrop of the Farne Islands, is a great way to start your day.
- For the keen, a long walk through the dunes or around the circumference of the Island with binoculars in hand ready to spot some of the vast arrays of wildlife and migrating birds stopping off whilst on their long journey south. And then some food and drink, of course.
- For the sensible, a spot of lunch with a couple of drinks and then dinner and a few more drinks while gazing into one of our real fires and just whiling away the hours in great company and a friendly atmosphere.
- For the semi sensible, a wander down to ‘Jenny Bells’ beach. Catch the last of the light and the fantastic views over the bay towards the mainland. Finish the evening with dinner and a few drinks. Who knows you may even be lucky enough to catch sight of the Northern Lights!
- For the night owl, put on your warm togs and head outside to check out the stars and planets in the winter skies, having low light pollution gives Northumberland some of the best ‘Dark skies’ in the country, and you will find yourself mesmerised by the pure vastness of our solar system. (All this obviously after some great food and a few drinks!)